Dear Friend:
First, I give honor to my Lord, Jesus the Christ. I pray that this month’s Words of Wisdom Newsletter finds you being changed into the image of God by your persistent pursue of Him.
I am sure that all of us that are truly born again, born from above can say like the lyrics of this song; “a wonderful change has come over me”. Change is evitable and unless you are willing to change, twenty-five years from now, you will be exactly the same, except you will be older. You can’t stop age, but you can stop progress in your life, by not being willing to change. How do we become willing to change?
As I stated earlier, change is evitable, and we must understand that change will happen whether we like it or not. When that truth is understood, you will be willing to change so that you will be prepared for all that God has in store for your life.
Change can be good and bad. We are living in a generation that is ever changing and trying to take God out of everything; now, that is not a good change, but a bad one. If you say that you are a child of God, we are in a season where we need to be changing into the image of God like never before and become the bright light in this dark world; now, that’s a good change.
The Word of God helps us to change, when we apply God’s principles over our lives. The world is looking for answers and the answer that they are looking for is Jesus, even though they may not even know it.
If you are willing to change, God will give you the ability and the wisdom you need. Proverbs 2:6 (NKJV) says: For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Mennie and I thank God for you and your family that are willing to change the lives of others that our ministry serves and be an extension of God’s hand to those that are less fortunate. Please know that God sees the changes that you are making in so many lives as you support this work.
Thank you for your prayers, love and financial support. Always remember that because of your pure heart and generosity to the things of God, you will always Be Blessed To Be A Blessing!
In His Will,
Dr. Joseph Morrison, D.Min
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