Meet Our Staff

Dr. Joseph Morrison Founder, President/CEO

Mennie Morrison
Co-Founder /Admin
Greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
the Christ. I am Dr. Joseph Morrison, Founder/CEO of BTBAB. I am honored that God has called me to serve as the under-shepherd of this ministry. I have been blessed to have earned my Doctorate degree in Biblical Studies and Ministry. I also serve as a Chaplain for the BGEA Rapid Response Team as well as a traveling Evangelist. My greatest desire is to please the Father and to fulfill His plan and purpose for my life.
Thank you for your prayers and support which enable us to "Extend The Love of God Through Every Open Door" that He gives to us. God Bless You!
Hi, I am Mennie Morrison and I serve as the Administrator of BTBAB. I am also the wife of Dr. Morrison and Co-Founder of the ministry. Received Ministry Ordination in 2004 and Associate training in Biblical Studies in 2016. My desire is to walk along side of my husband in this work that God has called us to do.
The Holy Spirit uses me in Mentorship, Exhortation, Teaching and the Prophetic anointing. My greatest desire in life is to know Him and make Him known.

Mr. and Mrs. Black
Board Members
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black joined our team as Ministry Board Members in June of 2007. We are honored to have them as part of our Board. Both Brother Charles and Minister Cathy have served as members of Freedom Christian Center of Fort Mill, SC for many years. . Minister Cathy served as an Associate Minister of FCC and both were on the leadership team of the church. Brother Charles served as Usher/Deacon of FCC and has had an extensive military background. Minister Cathy currently serves at Faith Family Christian Center. They both love God with all their heart and we look forward to God using them to help us in the work of BTBAB.

Shanda Phillips
Board Member
Shanda Phillips is our newest Ministry Board Member joining the Board of BTBAB in June 2014. She is also the daughter of Dr. Joseph and Mennie Morrison.
Shanda has extensive experience in the Executive Administrative field as well as Senior Project management. She received her Bachelor’s degree from DeVry University studying Technical Management specializing in project management and has worked as a Project Manager since Jan 2013. In addition to her project management career Shanda has worked for a major government company in various roles such as administrative and event planning. July 2017 she earned her Master's Degree from Eastern Carolina in Project Management. Shanda will earn her Doctorate DBA in Business in 2022. She currently resides in Charlotte, NC.

Pastor Ron and the late Pator Sue Lambright
Senior Board Members
Pastor Ron and the late Pator Sue Lambright are our Senior Board Members serving on our Ministry Board Team. They have been a part of the ministry since it's conception in 2004. We are honored to have a wonderful man and woman of God to serve with us in the work God has called us to do.
Pastors Lambright are the Senior Pastors of Freedom Christian Center in Fort Mill, SC and have been in the ministry for over forty years serving in the pastorial role for many churches; they also hold the title of Bishop over the South Carolina District of Freedom Ministries. They bring a wealth of experience and support to our ministry. We praise God for allowing our paths to cross with such a precious and Godly couple.

The late Pastor Ron and Phyllis Lambright
Senior Board Members
Pastor Ron has been with our ministry from its conception in 2004. Pastor. Phyllis joined our team in June 2016. We are grateful to have her on board and know that she will be a great asset to the ministry. She is serving along side of Pastor Lambright in the work that God has called them to do at Freedom Christian Center in Fort Mill, SC